Monday, December 12, 2011

Sunshine Miracles

Because of a record 14 days straight of no rain, our house is basically dry inside, which is AMAZING for this time of year in the PNW. 3 weeks ago we were talking through our "living room" drenched and dripping, splashing through inch-deep puddles. Now, it's crisp and dry, though still cold! What's really amazing, is that the 14 days of sun were during a crucial time for us: roofing time! In fact, to make things more amazing, we saw our first drops of rain the same day SAME DAY the windows went on!!

So we now have a layer of weatherproofing on the house, in addition to windows and doors. The rain held off for us, and it feels good and dry inside. As soon as we see the siding go up, we're going to begin caulking....while the de-humidifiers and heaters are going full-tilt inside to dry out the walls in preparation for sheetrock.

We also have wiring and HVAC inside, as well as plumbing!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! My name is Crystal and we completed our 2160 last April and have been living in our house since then. It's exciting to see another one go up! We LOVE our home. Congrats to you guys :)
